Business Coaching
by RR
How long could a solution focused coaching session last?
Solution focused approaches are particularly effective during crisis situations as the current one triggered by the corona virus. The more we focus on the problem the further away or even inconceivable seems to be any solution. Short-term sessions can have a long-term...
What could I do to make my job even more miserable?
Last week I ended with “What could I do to make my job even more miserable?” Main benefit of such questions: Once you perceive your negative influence, the step to a positive one is only half as far. How long could such a solution focused coaching session last? Much...
How can I make a miserable job (see „3 Signs” from my last post) less miserable?
1. Answer the question “Whom do I help with my job?” 2. Work on a trusting relationship with your staff and show them the benefits of their work 3. Answer the paradoxical question “What could I do to make my job even more miserable?” Will get back to the benefits of...
The three signs of a miserable job
The question in my last post "Do you believe your contribution at work is valuable?" is rephrased by Patrick Lencioni to "The 3 signs of a miserable job": 1. You feel irrelevant, 2. anonymous and 3. unable to measure your contribution. Will get to potential...
Can we measure happiness?
Got quite some questions after my last post about happiness over time: How can it be measured and how do I find out whether I am happy msyself? Fortunately happiness is a subjective experience of well-being, so it depends on the way you look at things in life. It is...
At wich age are we most unhappy?
According to a recent study we are unhappiest at the age of 47.2 ... but there is a way out depending on the way we look at things ... 🙂
What is professional coaching?
What is "Coaching" as opposed to "consulting, mentoring, etc.?" Click here for a 2 minutes answer ...
Therapie statt Coaching?
Bei schwereren persönlichen Krisen oder Problemen, die mitunter auch körperliche Beeinträchtigungen nach sich ziehen, stösst das Business Coaching an seine Grenzen. Statt dessen ist die professionelle Hilfe einer dafür ausgebildeten Psychotherapeutin angezeigt...