von Rainer Rauleder | Sep. 25, 2021 | Allgemein
In a recent study, McKinsey looked at the key skills in greater detail: less manual but more digital and social skills ability to continually adapt to new ways of working and occupations add value beyond automated and intelligent systems However, at least equally...
von Rainer Rauleder | Sep. 18, 2021 | Allgemein
Before Corona the answer seemed obvious *): – 70% of the employees worked in open plan offices – The noise level led to psychological stress (+ 25% „bad mood“ and + 34% sweat production) – Consequences: Less job satisfaction &...
von Rainer Rauleder | Sep. 11, 2021 | Allgemein
According to the industry association Bitkom, we give ourselves an average grade of “satisfactory” in “digital competence”, with executives seeing themselves as “good to very good”. At the same time, 3 out of 4 managers lack the time to deal with new technologies...
von Rainer Rauleder | Sep. 4, 2021 | Allgemein
Bitcoin & Co. sind in aller Munde, aber doch nur die Spitze eines disruptiven Eisbergs: das Internet machte vor gut 30 Jahren die beliebige Übertragung von Informationen möglich, die kryptographische BLOCKCHAIN-Technologie erlaubt die vertrauensvolle Übertragung...
von Rainer Rauleder | Aug. 28, 2021 | Allgemein
You know the situation: a colleague counters your well-founded speech with an unqualified, manipulative comment. What now? Counterattack, escape or ignore? Although these reflexes were passed on to us from stone age days, they are usually not very helpful in such...
von Rainer Rauleder | Aug. 21, 2021 | Allgemein
Unsere gewohnten „Aktionen“ erzeugen gewohnte „Reaktionen“ – letztlich ist das berühmte „Hamsterrad“ oft nicht weit weg. Gerade bei „diffusen Problemen“ hilft es manchmal, einfach etwas anderes zu machen – ein Beispiel: Eine Führungskraft beklagte sich...
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