Some people can pull an audience or just their counterpart completely under their spell, but how do they do that?

Short answer: They are charismatic, but were not born as a charismatic and can often consciously switch this quality “on and off”!

The essential “trick” is called “presence”: Giving the other person your full attention even in stressful situations makes us authentic, trusting and sympathetic. Or in other words: The “secret” is not primarily to bloom yourself, but to make the other person bloom.

Here is a little anecdote: In 1868 William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli ran for the election of British Prime Minister. A lady had dinner with both of them on different evenings and then said: 

“After dinner with Mr. Gladstone, I thought he was the most intelligent person in England. After dinner with Mr. Disraeli, I thought I was the most intelligent person in England. “

Who was elected Prime Minister – and which of the two would be the better leader in your organization … ?!

Stay healthy and humorous … 🙂

(More in „The Charisma Myth“ by Olivia Fox Cabane)