You know the situation: a colleague counters your well-founded speech with an unqualified, manipulative comment. What now? Counterattack, escape or ignore?
Although these reflexes were passed on to us from stone age days, they are usually not very helpful in such situations. Instead, your calm lingering on the factual level is more promising – an example from my coaching:
A client presented her idea for an advertising campaign, to which her colleague simply replied „a waste of money“. She did not allow herself to be provoked, didn’t give in and did not ignore the objection. Instead she just said „Yes, the campaign is not for free, but if only every 10th interested client accepted our offer, it will pay for itself after only 1 month „.
This is how you expose the saboteur who sees no chance of reaching his goal with good arguments – stay healthy and confident … 🙂
(more in: „Sich Durchsetzen“ from R. Borbonus, Gabal, 2019)
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