von Rainer Rauleder | März 5, 2022 | Allgemein
Most job profiles include requirements such as „being creative“ or „being able to think outside the box“ – but how could you test where you stand? One start taken from cognitive science could be the so-called „9 dots puzzle“: You are supposed to link 9 dots...
von Rainer Rauleder | Feb. 26, 2022 | Allgemein
Letzte Woche endete mein „Job Workout“-Programm mit einer Zusammenfassung seiner 6 Schritte samt einem kleinen Tipp: Kommen Sie ins Tun, indem Sie mit einem einfachen nächsten Schritt beginnen, und sei er auch noch so klein. Was aber, wenn auch der nicht gelingen...
von Rainer Rauleder | Feb. 19, 2022 | Allgemein
Congratulations: You have thought through 6 important job topics over the last 6 weeks – now it’s time to act: Strengths identified ✅ Changes mastered ✅ Conflicts solved ✅ Home offices designed ✅ Blockages overcame ✅ Meaning found ✅ The secret of...
von Rainer Rauleder | Feb. 12, 2022 | Allgemein
Is this the magic formula: “Being self-determined + having fulfilling relationships + doing something that suits you = best possible life“? Psychologist M. Csíkszentmihályi concluded that flow experiences make us happy, i.e. we are doing something that makes us forget...
von Rainer Rauleder | Feb. 5, 2022 | Allgemein
It goes without saying that we can only overcome our blockades if we know them. Inner beliefs like “I will fail“ or “I don’t know if I want it at all“ stand between us and realizations. Such beliefs might be inherited from our family thus making them even stickier....
von Rainer Rauleder | Jan. 29, 2022 | Allgemein
Do you remember the old advice “Do not take your work home!“. But how should this work in the new world full of home offices? We should more actively plan for timely breaks and ideally have our rituals in the morning and evening: Do I wear different ‘job clothes’? Is...
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